Monday, March 29, 2010

Art - Love of my life

Its been a long time, I posted something non technical and about my interests. Well, the title is pretty clear about what I am gonna talk about in this post. I always had a knack for painting and all the artsy stuffs. Given that nobody in my family's been interested in art, this is something that I can proudly say I immensely enjoy learning with an open mind. As one of my art teacher told me, art is all about having an open mind and different perspective on a scene. All this started when I very badly wanted to do something for school annual day competitions. I had a friend who was very good at drawing things as such, I guess I can say I may be inspired by him. When I won the drawing competition, I felt so happy and started doing more paintings. Till now I have done quite a number of drawings and few paintings. I love

  1. drawing cartoons:
  2. Glass painting:
  3. Oil painting:
  4. Coffee painting (Monochromatic painting):
  5. And ofcourse trying out pencil shading and other stuffs.
I did a lot of glass paintings in college which I gifted my friends and professors. Even last week when I talked after one year to my research professor for whom I gave a picture as our farewell gift, he said everybody loved it. These little things make me happy and content with my ability.
Recently since I am busy between chaffering Ovia to school and amma to shopping, working on MS projects and course work, I rarely find time to paint. But when I do, it becomes my world!!! Hope I would soon post many more of my work :)


Rajkumar said...

Passion is where u have ur heart in. It's amazing to see ur talent.Do nurture it ....that will give u d meaning of who u are ..luvd d cartoons!!

Suji said...

@RajKumar: Thanks!

Mahesh said...

Excellent work :)! Did u draw the characters as well? Also, is the third person a guy( wearing blue dress ? ).

I guess with your talent, you might have read "The Alchemist". If not, may be it would better your talent even more! :)

Suji said...

@Mahesh: Thanks!

1.Nope I din't draw the characters on the 3rd painting, I just drew it on the glass.

2.Yes, that's a guy!

3. Nope I haven't read the novel. Thanks for the suggestion!