Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mac: TcpMon

What: TcpMon is a monitor tool that comes with Apache Axis package and can be downloaded.

Why: If you have a WS client or service that you want to monitor, use TcpMon. Lets say you have written a client for axis2 service as stated here. You also may need to look at the SOAP messages that are sent in the wire.


1. Download TcpMon binary distribution here
2. Execute tcpmon-1.0-bin/build/ . This will launch the tcpMon console.
3. In 'Admin' tab, enter 'Listen Port#:' Any_port_Number. Set 'Act as: Proxy'. And click Add. New tab as 'Port Any_port_Number' will come up where you can see all traffic.
4. Now you need to set proxy for the web based traffic. In Mac, to System Preferences->Network->Advanced->Proxies->Web proxy. Set and Any_port_Number. Note: you may need to revert back to original settings when you are done with debugging.
5. Run the client in the eclipse. Go to the new tab in tcpmon and you can see the incoming and outgoing SOAP messages for debugging.

Thanks to the source!

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