Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Googly Google

Well, just like everybody I was there doing my business, yes browsing through technical blogs for passing time. Trust thats one good freetime job. So I came across this blog, it has informations to help you chat well and also to write Project Management Exams.

From that blog I came across this Google's yet another invention or what ever it is, Toogle. Nice and bubbly.
Just like Google image search, here the slight difference is the image is drawn with the search string.

Speaking of searches and Google, this feature really helps you if the website you are looking for has no custom Google search.
And trust me, it gives better result than custom search.

I will sure update more about Google's products.

Intriguing Puzzles

As I am preparing for my placements, I was on the lookout for books with puzzles to work out and to train the mind to think. I came across this book name in many forums I saw. So when I searched for this book, viola I got a pdf copy of the book online. The book name is Shakuntala- Puzzles to puzzle you. This book is recommended for anybody who is looking forward to Infosys interviews.

P.S : solutions are at pg.89

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Interesting how these puzzles make your mind fresh. Anyways, I am right now in a puzzle solving spree.. So I was searching for some websites with puzzles .. and found an excellent website, where I can learn and think,

Trust me, this is good. I am going to blog down the supporting theorems and techniques for later reference.

Bayes Theorem:

P(A|B) = P(AnB)/P(B)

P(A|B) - conditional probability. Probability of A happening given B has happened.
P(A) & P(B) - prior probability.

Multiplication tricks:

Multiplication of two digit number by 11:
The result will be the first digit, sum of the two digit and the second digit of the given number.
Eg: 4_2 is the two digit number. The result would be 462, where 6 is sum of first (4) & second(2) digit.
Given 4_8, the result would be 528, since when we add 4+8= 12 add 1 to first digit, and follow the rule above.

Multiplication of any number by 5:
*Divide the number by 2
*If there is a remainder, add 5 to the answer. Else, add 0 to the remainder.
Eg: 246 * 5 :
246/2 = 123 (no remainder)
So result would be 1230.

Say, given 235 * 5:
235/2 = 117(there is a remainder)
so result will be 1175.

Division Techniques:

Divisible by 4, 8,16:
Any number is divisible by 4, only if the last 2 digits of the number are divisible by 4. Similarly for 8 and 16, the last 3 and 4 digits should be considered.
5632 is divisible by 4, since 32 is divisible by 4.
It is also divisible by 8, since 632 is divisible by 8.
It is also divisible by 16, since 5632 is divisible by 16.

Divisible by 3,9:
A number is divisible by 3 only if the sum of its digit is divisible by 3. Similarly for 9, the sum of digits should be divisible by 9.
23541 is divisible by 3, since 2+3+4+5+1 = 15 is divisible by 3.
334242 is divisible by 9, since 3+3+4+2+4+2=18 is divisible by 9.

Divisible by 11:
A number is divisible by 11, only if the difference between the sum of its digit in the odd places and the sum of its digit in the even places are either 0 or a number divisible by 11.
4832718 is divisible by 11. Since (8+7+3+4) - (1+2+8) = 22 - 11 = 11 divisible by 11.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

To calculate day of the week

When I was reading through some placement question papers, I found this problem asked quite a few times.
Q: Given a date, we have to find out the day of the week.

1) C = 2(3-(cent%4))
where cent = first 2 digits of the century
2) y = year + floor(year/4)
where year = last two digits of the year given
3)m = choose from the table

January 0(leap year-3)
Febuary 3(leap year-6)
March 3
April 6
May 1
June 4
July 6
August 2
September 5
October 0
November 3
December 5

4)sum = c + y + m + date given
5)val = sum%7
6) sun - 0,mon-1,tue-2,... sat - 6, use value and find the day

Sample program:

int leapyearMonValue[] = {0,3,3,6,1,4,6,2,5,0,3,5};
int nonleapyearMonValue[] = {3,6,3,6,1,4,6,2,5,0,3,5};

void calculateDay(int date,int mon,int year)
int val,cent,monval,yr,i=3,temp,leapyear=0;
int splitcent[4],wrongInput=0;
if(year%4 == 0)
leapyear = 1;
if(mon>12 || mon <1)
wrongInput = 1;
if(date==30 && !(mon%2) || mon==7 || mon==1)
wrongInput = 1;
if(mon==2 && date>28 && !leapyear)
wrongInput = 1;
splitcent[i--] = year%10;
year = year/10;
temp = splitcent[0]*10 + splitcent[1];
cent = 2*(3-(temp%4));
temp = splitcent[2]*10 + splitcent[3];
yr = temp + floor(temp/4);
monval = leapyearMonValue[mon-1];
monval = nonleapyearMonValue[mon-1];
val = cent + yr + monval + date;
val = val%7;
case 0:
printf("day is Sunday\n");
case 1:
printf("day is Monday\n");
case 2:
printf("day is Tuesday\n");
case 3:
printf("day is Wednesday\n");
case 4:
printf("day is Thursday\n");
case 5:
printf("day is Friday\n");
case 6:
printf("day is Saturday\n");
printf("wrong calculation\n");
printf("wrong Input... check the date, mon \n");

int main()
int date,mon,year;
printf("Enter the date in format DD/MM/YYYY\t eg: 14/11/2007\n");
return 0;
